Dealing with the lockdown

During the coronavirus pandemic the virologists advice everybody to stay at home and work from there. In our line of business most of us are already familiair with that, you just setup a VPN connection and logon your company network. Now, you can write your documents and code as usual.

But what should you do if you want to control your build and test processes remotely? Even if these processes require special equipment, expensive tooling, and dedicated hardware? And that equipment is scarce and even worse, cannot run unattended?

Wouldn't it be nice if your developers work at home where they control your toolchain? And make use of the equipment at your company premises and run tests on or using dedicated hardware that engineers took home? Even if this equipement is stored in the garage? Or using other resources in the garage of fellow workers?

Our Execution Graph method and SoftFab are very suitable to set up the toolchain that implements this scenario.

Now, all developers can work at home developing software collaborative, sharing equipment, tools, licenses, etc. SoftFab is the central place to monitor all these activities and developers share the same view on process status and results.

Boxing Beetle likes to help you setting up your CI++ toolchain, please contact us.

But, above all: stay healthy, stay at home, keep your distance and stay together.

Hans Spanjers, 2020-04-08